Our secret weapon is our process.

We have a research heavy and collaborative process that allows us to consistently develop appropriate and functional design.


Kickoff Call

Once we’ve scoped the project, have determined all necessary deliverables, and received the initial deposit, we can start the project. The first step is to create a design brief that contains all necessary information that we will need to begin. 



With the brief in place, we will read through it and distill it into the most important information for easier referral. With a clearer view of the brief, we can set our research direction, which will give us inspiration and a better understanding of your niche.



With all our questions resolved, and having gathered some inspiration, it’s time for us to begin concepting. This is where we will look at our creative direction, and try to portray it in as many ways as we can. The results at this step will be small and rough, and will be worked on further later in the process.


Present Concepts

With ample time spent on concepts, and with some singled out, we will redraw those top concepts with a technique known as scamping, which is where we draw the concept with higher detail and precision. Those are the ones that we will present during our concepts presentation.


Digitize Logo

After making any necessary adjustments, or potentially developing more concepts, we will take our ideas digital. By starting on paper, and not having the limitations of our creative software, we can develop more functional and appropriate designs. At this step, we will work on the logo digitally, and will perfect the form, making sure it aligns with the brief and your brand.


Typefaces & Colour

Only once the logo form has been perfected will we begin to look at accompanying typefaces and colours. We do this to make sure that the logo itself conveys what we need it to, without the help of colours, which can skew the perception of a design.


Present Logo

With the logo and it’s variations complete, we will present them to the client for approval. We ask that the client gives constructive feedback at this step to make sure that we’re delivering them an effective and appealing design.


Brand Visuals

After any necessary changes to the logo, we will work on the brand visuals, should they be required within the scope of work. This would include all extra variations of the logo, shapes, patterns, and any other extra visuals that are deemed necessary within the scope of work. 



With every asset approved by the client, we will make sure that all of them are ready for their various uses, such as print, web, and social media. Next, we will export each asset into the necessary file formats, each with the right colour palette applied.