We are Scarrow Design

We are a brand design studio based in Atlantic Canada.

We exist to bring ‘Passion to the masses’. Our goal is to create something positive for people to gather around, and develop a healthy community for.

Our brand is built on progress and improvement, focusing on getting better one day at a time. This takes passion for our craft, and the determination to overcome obstacles, which in turn make us stronger. We take this attitude into every project we take on, thinking of new and better ways to bring value to our clients. We take pride in this mindset, and believe that it truly does lead to development and success.

Team Members


Turner Scarrow

Lead Designer

We believe collaboration is the best source of inspiration. Talking with others brings new perspectives, experiences, opinions and preferences, all of which are valuable in their own right. This gives us the unique opportunity to combine those traits and ideas into something new and unique. That’s why we have a, comparatively, very collaborative process of design with our clients. They have unique insights into their niche and brand that we don’t, and by working together at key stages in the project, it allows us to gather that knowledge, and incorporate it into our designs.